Background first before we talk about Scary Orange Man. Been a FNAF fan since the beginning and while I never got into fangames really, I DID enjoy "Five Nights at Fuckboy's" because it was the 2010s and my sense of humour is broken as fuck. Consider my interest piqued when I see fanart of Purple Guy and an Orange Guy who he's calling "old sport" and how this game is similar to FNaFB. I thought "oh this shall be a fun romp! I will laugh and chortle and giggle and walk away from it with new quotes I will embue in my daily life that nobody else will understand!"
Update: this series fucking destroyed me (also I did, indeed, get new quotes. I say 'thank' in a monotone voice all the time lmao)
Something I need to add is that I am fictionkin. Which to me, means I cling to and find comfort in identifying as fictional lil guys since it helps me make sense of the world. Like those toddlers who have a superhero outfit they won't take off because it helps them feel confident going to school, except I'm a neurodivergent adult and my superhero costume is a shitposting American Purple Guy. Anyway.
At the time, I was dealing with the fallout of a traumatic event in my personal life. I felt lost, unsure of who I was, and how I would move on. I played DSAF 3 and Dave (or William)'s character arc really hit me hard. Here was a character who had been established as a chaotic evil bastard man suddenly feeling things, lost and dealing with redemption. I saw myself in him a lot. I remember finishing the game and having this feeling of... I don't know, uneasy comfort? Like you get from a hug at a funeral - it doesn't make everything all better, but it is this moment of time in which things do feel somewhat okay.
Anyway I said "hmm! That was weird! Lmao anyway!" and moved on with my life.
So I like to roleplay as a hobby and one day, I saw a Henry Miller writer. So I got hit with inspiration: "Oh! I should totally RP as Dave! Won't that be fun and silly and a way to blow off steam?!"
Update: roleplaying as Dave also fucking destroyed me.
Looking back at DSAF 3, I finally took the time to sit down and truly appreciate the series and the emotions it had given me. And doing so gave me not just an even deeper appreciation for Dave's character, but also...
Okay, so. Jack... the plot of his story is that he was murdered, but gets A Second Chance in exchange for needing to fulfill a promise to save lost souls. After that, it's up to the player- but! The good route where you free the souls is the canon route, and the one with canon Jack Kennedy. Thus, that is the one who is the light of my life.
Now to ramble about why I love him. In the simplest terms, I love Jack for how *fucking kind* he is. Sure, he's a dumbass and a goof and does make some shitty comments but when it comes down to it? He's such a genuinely good person.
Pictured: Jack comforting a broken man in a part of the game that makes me bawl my eyes out every time I experience it.
Canon Jack is not just doing the promise because he has to, but because he seems to genuinely care about the people around him and making a difference.
Let's see... other things I like about Jack: he's a funny boy. He's a dog person (me twirling my hair when animal lover). My heart does zoomies whenever he toasts marshmallows with Peter in the second game. He's also a child at heart and I think that's neat because same, bestie.
Oh yeah, and one more: remember Dave from the previous section? Yeah, Jack is kind to him too even though he really does not "deserve it". Jack knows that Dave - William Afton - was a victim of Henry's too, and while he never tolerates or excuses him, he is always there to support them.
See, the reason for the first section was to basically say "I'm neurodivergent and kin the fuck out of Dave Miller" which means I am obligated to love Old Sport. I kin Dave because I relate to him him way too deeply. I can emphasis with him, and in turn, he can emphasis with me (by which I mean, as someone on the spectrum, his scenes and dialogue give me a way to explain myself). Jack being kind to him makes me so soft, so lovey-dovery because ugh!!! I'm sleep deprived writing this and I'm speaking from the heart and not revising so hope you get it.
Again, Jack never excuses Dave but you know what he does do? He listens to him. Jack does not raise his voice at him. Jack never leaves him behind when everyone else (rightfully tbh) bitches about how offputting or fucked up Dave is. He makes my heart go kokoro, dammit.